My sister and I are what most people would call "polar opposites", at least that's what I used to think. When we were younger if she liked white, I liked black. If she needed the car, I wanted the car. Everything was an argument, just like all siblings do. Up until recently my sister and I never really talked much, I would see her at my parents house every now and then. We grew up, we were living our own separate lives. Now that I think about it, we were just fighting our own battles which have now brought us closer then ever. In 2009, my sister found out she was pregnant. Much like me, her pregnancy also didn't result in bringing a beautiful baby home after a few days in the hospital. My sister ended up having a ectopic pregnancy , a few days later resulting in losing her baby along with one of her fallopian tubes. I remember sitting in the hospital with her, not really sure or understanding much of what was going on. All I knew is that I didn't want to leave her.

Three and a half months ago, my sister also never left my side. She held my hand, she rubbed my back and she knew all the right things to say. She may not have carried a baby as long as I did, but she lost a baby just like I did. She knows exactly how it feels when you hear "guess who's pregnant!". How terribly heartbreaking it is to hear that someone is pregnant and it's not you. Although you feel happy for the ones who are pregnant, there is a hard feeling of jealousy. I remember when I told my sister I was pregnant. I was terrified. I was so afraid that she would be mad, because I got pregnant and she couldn't. I was completely wrong. My sister was extremely happy for me, she always told me she was going to spoil Connor. She made me promise that her and Rob would be the first ones to babysit Connor. She was going to be there when I had Connor, she never thought twice. She wiped my face when I was sick in the hospital and dabbed my forehead when I was hot. She stayed there with Mark and I and told us we were so strong. I am not a grown up yet, I'm still learning. But my sister and I have managed to grow into best friends.

I recently submitted Connors story to a website, faces of loss, and they published it for many other woman to read. After my sister looked around the site, she too submitted her story. After reading her story I learned a lot more about how alike we are. We both have had a lot of heartbreak but have survived and took something good out of it. The other night I told her we need to write a book. Once we're both happily married with children. Because even if it's not happening now, it will happen for us both eventually in our lives! After all, believing is everything! 

I strongly encourage people to read my sisters story!
Debbie Dickson
9/4/2012 11:24:36 am

As always, I am inspired by both you and Nicole. Love you both!

9/6/2012 07:42:33 pm

I was telling my boyfriend the other day about how you should write a book about your story of Connor because you write such beautiful and inspiring words. I just love reading your blogs.


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