I am completely astonished by the amount of people I have reached with my blog. So many people have written me and told me about how much I have changed their outlook on life and how they deal with their "problems" with a different approach since reading my blogs. When I hear everyone's feedback it feels amazing. Knowing how much I am changing others people's lives makes writing so much fun and at the end of the day I can't wait to get home and share with everyone how my day was.

Though you say I have changed your lives, you have helped me change mine. Never in a million years did I think my simple blog about my challenges of overcoming the loss of my Son would touch so many peoples lives. I always knew I had a big loving family, but now my family has just gotten bigger. You guys may think I'm incredible, but it's you guys who are. You guys keep reading even when I don't have much to say. Everyone is so supportive of Mark and I and it has helped us get to the point we are now in our lives.

Through the hardest time of my life, I have truly found out who my friends and my family are. Out of the blue I have friendships in people I could have never imagined and lots friendships and family where I had expected to have the most comfort. If you couldn't be there for me at our worst, you really shouldn't expect to be there for us during the best time of our life together either.

To all the people who are following my blog: Thank You and please, keep on reading and commenting!
7/31/2012 11:28:14 am

For me personally, you and Mark are my heros and have given me strength and helped me through the rough days and believe me there have been lots of "bad" days. I am the lucky one to have such an awesome son and blessed to have you and your family join our family. I have told you before you are an inspiration to many and clearly it is true as you have all your followers waiting each day to read your blogs. Give yourself the credit you so deserve. Love you both xoxo

becky n
7/31/2012 10:18:54 pm

you are a hero... you and mark...
so are your parents.

and so is CJ.

i read your blog everyday ashley... because your amazing. so keep writing. xoxox

8/1/2012 06:57:35 pm

The words you write are so true. I look forward to reading your blogs everytime one is posted, and usually check every couple days to see if you have written another. I feel like I get a lot out of them too, knowing how to better myself, become a stronger person, and realize that you can't take life for granted.
So for that,
Thank you.

8/13/2012 03:01:40 am

It's so true, Ashley. Your outlook really does make people re-evaluate the way they deal about things and makes them realize that, really, life isn't all that bad afterall. You remain always an inspiration to me. Love you xo


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