A lot of people ask; how do you do it?

Most of the time, I don't know how to respond. If each person that has asked me that question sat at home alone with their thoughts, they would probably do the same things I have. You do it because you have too.
I sat and had a good talk with my best friend tonight. She asked me the same thing. I responded by asking her the same question. She is a strong woman and amazing mother that has two children, one of which is my three month old godson, and she still manages to work backshift four nights a week. Sometimes in life you have to throw on your big girl panties with a smile and do what you have to.

I am far from perfect. I have my break downs, some weeks more then others. I am a bereaved mother. I am grieving. I am hurting, but I live on. No one knows the heartache behind each of my smiles, or how many times I have broken down and cried. Connor is so wonderful to think about, but so hard to be without.

Everyone has a reason to wake up in the morning. For my best friend its her two beautiful children. For anyone else it could be the person your waking up to every morning or the person down the street. In my case its for my son and his Father. It's for my family. It doesn't matter how you do it, all the matters is why you do it.

I have learned that in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.  This is my opportunity to grow into the mother Connor deserves. Someone strong, loving and confident.

After all, I am only human.

Your best friend'xo
7/27/2012 09:17:45 pm

One of many things i learned last night is that we ARE only human!
Everyone has their own motivation. You are right, mine is my two children!
It's amazing how bestfriends are always there for one another. While sitting with you last night, i thought that i was just being the ear to listen and the shoulder to cry on, when really, you were also doing the same for me.
You are such an amazing person, you're going through one of the hardest times of your life, and still manage to be that someone you always have been for me. someone i can trust, someone i can just talk to about anything in the world.
What your Doing with this blog is incredible, your opening a lot of eyes and making so many realize that life isnt always far, and not to take things for granted. Things like this can happen to the best of us!
I never would have thought something like this would happen to someone so close to me, and it makes me very frustrated to know how your pregnancy went, and how perfectly healthy connor was.
which is why i constantly have one question always on my mind!
Sometimes we have to live life with questions unanswered, not that its easy to accept or fair by any means, but because we HAVE to.
Our summer isnt anything like we had planned, but taking it one day at a time is all you can do. Its okay to have a bad day or week even. i'm very proud of you for pushing forward, even when you dont want to.
We are only human.



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