It's only Wednesday but this week has been the longest one since I have been back to work. Sometimes I feel like it's one step forward, two steps back. Life is just so difficult sometimes. Lately for me, it's been hard to deal with customers who have children. I find myself not being able to pay attention because I keep thinking to myself "Connor will never get to be that age". No matter what, every parents child will always be there baby. Even if your child is 25, there still your baby. For Mark and I, Connor will always be a baby. He is our child frozen in time, not able to grow up and experience life for himself. He will never get to go bowling with his Father or fall in love and have his own children. I don't think i'll ever be able to accept this part of losing Connor.
  "When your happy you enjoy the music; When your sad, you understand the lyrics" I found this quote when I was looking through some pictures on facebook. The more I think about it, the more I realize how true it is. Some days I can listen to songs and sing along like I am the best singer in the world. The next day sometimes is a different situation, sometimes lyrics in a song just hit your heart so strong and you just need to cry. I also find this is the same sitatuion with commericials. Especially baby commericials. 

  Life has officially pushed me the eff over, excuse my language. For some reason, I am being tested but I am very determined to push life back even harder. Everything that has happened to me has made me a better person. I love harder, I fight stronger and I wake up everyday living life like this could be my last day. I don't ever want to wake up saying I regret something I did the day before.
7/27/2012 05:26:23 am

yes you are still my baby ! Love you !

7/27/2012 12:05:03 pm

You are strong. You are unbelievable, and now you have incredible motivation to live your life to the best of your ability. You're making Connor so proud of his momma. Keep your head up.


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